Google Next Takeaways: ROI, Customers and the Power of Creative Thinking


By Rebecca Peterhansen, Global Group Account Director 🇺🇸

Google Cloud Next 2024 packed Las Vegas with a whirlwind of sessions and announcements that highlighted the possibility around AI driven technologies. As the dust settles — and the Vegas lights fade away — three key themes have emerged. Let's unpack them.

The ROI Imperative

More than ever, marketing must deliver measurable results. Speakers across Google Next discussed how they’re using AI to improve their businesses, via time savings, personalization and building efficient go-to-market strategies. It’s clear each team has its own approach, but everyone recognizes the need to measure the impact of deploying AI. We’re witnessing exciting advances and it will be important to decide which of these new innovative ideas bring the most value for customers. Gretel is a fantastic use case, where AI is being used to reduce gender bias and increase accuracy when detecting heart disease. (Source)

Customer Obsession

The customer journey is at the heart of effective marketing. Google Next emphasized solutions for understanding customer needs, personalizing experiences and building brand loyalty. Data-driven insights, when not paired with empathy for the people they’re created for, is empty and ineffective.

Creativity Unleashed

Technology may be advancing at lightning speed but the human touch remains irreplaceable. Google Next sparked our imagination with demos showcasing how AI can augment our creative work. Now's the time to experiment, think outside the box and tap into our unique creativity for campaigns that really resonate. (Check out our latest work for Bridgestone that merges AI and high-performance driving.)

I used Gemini to help me structure an outline for this post, here was my prompt:

“I am a marketing director, help me write a short and impactful blog which is a wrap up of Google NEXT, highlighting the importance of ROI, Customers and Creativity. This should be a professionally worded blog post, friendly and informative in tone.”


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