Here’s how we put unexpected personalization into interactive market research for Milieu

The Thinking

To show appreciation and highlight the importance of respondents’ contributions, Milieu asked us to create a fun, personalized video for thousands of its respondents. Working closely with Milieu’s Chief Operating Officer Stephen Tracy, distillery analyzed a host of Millieu’s data, including respondents’ preferred e-commerce platforms, happiness at work score, and how COVID-19 has impacted their saving behavior.

The Making

We created a 35-second base video using Milieu’s existing illustration assets, then ran this base content through our personalization engine voundry to make over 8,000 personalized videos. These videos featured the social issues that mattered most and least to respondents personally, including how their views stack up against others in the same survey group. Each video ended with a hearty "thank you" from Milieu.

The Blowing Up

App notifications were sent to Milieu users to notify them of the video campaign. Once they opened the email, respondents could click through to view their personalized video. Once they opened the link, they could instantly watch their personalized video.

A global first

First time the voundry personalization engine was commissioned


open and click rate benchmarks

2 MARKies Awards

for Most Effective Use (Gold - Loyalty & CRM, Bronze - Mobile)